*As per orders of District Magistrate,Jammu
"Legal proceedings shall be initiated against the parties/bidders indulging, directly or indirectly, in bid rigging or collusive bidding"

"Warning: All the prospective bidders are instructed to not indulge in any false/collision bidding.
Any Deliberate attempt to sabotage the e-Auction process shall be dealt strictly" Deputy Commissioner, Jammu.

Auction Detail

Auction Title Ujh river upstream Pandorian - Korepunnu Bridge Area (Block-I) district Kathua Area 7.85 hectares
Details Minor Mineral Block at Ujh river upstream Pandorian - Korepunnu Bridge Area (Block-I) district Kathua Area 7.85 hectares
Auction Fee Amount in ₹ 1000
EMD Required Yes
EMD Amount in ₹ 2119500
EMD Payable To District Mineral Officer Kathua
EMD Payable At District Mineral Office Kathua

Published Date 15-Jul-2024 11:08 AM
Document Selling Start Date Time 15-Jul-2024 11:10 AM
Document Selling End Date Time 16-Oct-2024 04:30 PM
Technical Submission Start Date 15-Jul-2024 11:11 AM
Technical Submission End Date 16-Oct-2024 10:30 PM
Auction Start Date 17-Oct-2024 06:00 PM
Auction End Date 17-Oct-2024 09:00 PM

Document Name Description Document
E-auction Notice 05.08.2024 E-auction notice of 5 MMB of district Kathua e_auction_notice_5-8-241.pdf
Mineable Reserve Mineable reserve mineable_reserve_8_4_246.pdf

Document Name Description Document
E auction document terms & conditions of e-auctions NA
Amended e auction documents Revised e-auction documents (terms & conditions of e-auction) NA
Site Plan Site Plan of the block to be e auctioned NA

Title Description Document
E-auction extension notice E-auction extension notice e_auction_extension_notice_III5.pdf
E-auction extension notice E-auction extension notice Extension_of_E_auction_notice_17_10_243.pdf